Domain registrar service level agreement

Please contact Eonic Associates LLP. using one of the contact methods below. Outside of office hours, please email us using the form below. We will endeavour to respond to all points of contact within 1 business day and aim to resolve any issues you have within 5 working days.

Complaints and escalation process

We'd like to think we get things right most of the time, but the truth is everyone gets it wrong from time to time. We can only improve on our services with valid feedback from you, our customers. If you wish to make a complaint about a service you have received, in the first instance, please submit an email using the form on the right including as much detail around the issue as you can.

We will acknowledge your complaint within 1 business day and aim to resolve any issues within 5 working days. If you’re not happy with the initial outcome of your complaint, you can escalate your complaint to a manager/director by selecting the appropriate box on the form.

You are also able to make a formal complaint about a registrar to Nominet (the .uk registry) here:

Abuse of email

Abuse email example:  If you wish to raise a complaint about abuse you have received (phishing scams, spam emails etc), please contact us using this form with as much detail as possible about the abuse. We will immediately investigate your complaint.

Renewal and expiry policy

All domains registered via Eonic are renewed automatically and you will be invoiced. We send you an email informing you of the renewal 30 days prior. If you want to cancel the renewal you will have to contact us within 28 days of being informed.

Any domain that is unpaid within 3 months of renewals will be redirected to a holding page and offered for sale.

We do not have an automated domain registration shopping cart service. All domains are registered manually by our team for existing clients that have approved an email quote which contains a link to this page.

All .uk domains are registered via Nominet; customers must adhere to Nominet's terms and conditions that can be viewed at

Domain name charges

.uk domains are charged at £24 for 2 years

.com / .net / .org domains are charged at £36 for 2 years

This price includes all DNS management and any updates or changes required. Eonic makes no charge for customers moving domains away. 

Domain Enquiry Form
This is required
This is required
This is required
Error Message

ProteanCMS has returned the following Error

Report Info

Date + Time4/25/2024 2:09:33 AM
AssemblyProteanCMS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0e5e11efc3341916
Referenced Assembliesmscorlib (; WebActivatorEx (; System.Web (; Protean.Tools (; System.Xml (; System (; System.Data (; QRCoder (; System.Drawing (; Fonet (; ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib (; System.Configuration (; System.Xml.Linq (; Newtonsoft.Json (; Microsoft.VisualBasic (; Lucene.Net (; System.Web.Services (; JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.Core (; Imazen.WebP (; System.Web.Extensions (; PresentationCore (; System.Net.FtpClient (1.0.5824.34026); SoundInTheory.DynamicImage.Extensions.Pdf (; SoundInTheory.DynamicImage (; PreMailer.Net (; BundleTransformer.Core (; System.Web.Optimization (; System.ServiceModel (; System.Runtime.Serialization (; AlphaFS (; System.Core (; JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.V8 (; Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure (;

Exception Details

Exception Type:System.Xml.Xsl.XsltException
Message:'' is an invalid QName.
Stack: at System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.PrefixQName.ParseQualifiedName(String qname, String& prefix, String& local)
at System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.ElementAction.CreateElementQName(String name, String nsUri, InputScopeManager manager)
at System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.ElementAction.Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame)
at System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.ActionFrame.Execute(Processor processor)
at System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.Processor.Execute()
at Protean.XmlHelper.Transform.Process(XmlDocument oXml, HttpResponse oResponse) in D:\HostingSpaces\ProteanCMS\Assemblies\Protean.CMS\tools\xmlHelper.cs:line 586
Full Exception:System.Xml.Xsl.XsltException: '' is an invalid QName.
at System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.PrefixQName.ParseQualifiedName(String qname, String& prefix, String& local)
at System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.ElementAction.CreateElementQName(String name, String nsUri, InputScopeManager manager)
at System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.ElementAction.Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame)
at System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.ActionFrame.Execute(Processor processor)
at System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.Processor.Execute()
at Protean.XmlHelper.Transform.Process(XmlDocument oXml, HttpResponse oResponse) in D:\HostingSpaces\ProteanCMS\Assemblies\Protean.CMS\tools\xmlHelper.cs:line 586